Accessibility statement

I am committed to making my website accessible. This accessibility statement applies to the website

Compliance is partially compliant with the Référentiel Général d'Amélioration de l'Accessibilité (RGAA).

Test results

A compliance audit conducted on a non-representative sample of two pages by Copsaé revealed that 64.86% of the RGAA 4.1.2 criteria are met.

Content non accessible

The content listed below is not accessible.

  • The header area is not properly structured.
  • The footer cannot be reached or skipped.
  • The main content area is not properly delineated.
  • The page title does not contain the site name (except on the homepage).
  • The hierarchy of headings is not always appropriate.
  • The list structure of some elements needs improvement.
  • A quote is not marked up as such.
  • Some link texts (language change, return to home) are not sufficiently explicit.
  • On the homepage, some decorative images in links have textual alternatives.
  • The images in the article are complex and require detailed descriptions.
  • Several English words are used without being marked as such.
  • In the article, a symbol is used in the text, making the content incomprehensible when read via a screen reader.
  • When redefining text spacing properties in the article, texts overlap.

Date of the audit

This statement was established on 30 May 2024.

Technologies used for this website

  • HTML5 ;
  • CSS ;
  • JavaScript ;
  • Webflow.

Testing environment

User agents and assistive technologies used to verify accessibility:

  • NVDA 2024.1 + Firefox 126 ;
  • JAWS 2023 + Firefox 126 ;
  • VoiceOver + Safari 17.5 sur MacOS Sonoma (14.5).

Tools used for evaluation

Pages scanned for evaluation

  • Home
  • Blog article (now removed)


If you are unable to access content or a service, you can contact me to obtain an accessible alternative or the content in another form by sending an email to